Dumpster Rental Grand Rapids FAQs | Junk Removal | Donation Pickup | Black Barn Dumpster



  • How do I load a rental dumpster?

    Try to load your rental dumpster evenly, distributing the debris as evenly as possible throughout the container. Avoid overloading the dumpster. If you overload your dumpster, you may be charged extra fees by your rental company.

  • Can you deliver a dumpster today?

    Yes, we can if it is not too late in the day. It also depends on availability. Some weeks are busier than others. Call today to schedule. 616-206-8826

  • How much does a dumpster rental cost?

    The cost of your Grand Rapids dumpster rental is calculated by the size you choose. The larger the dumpster, the higher the rate will be. 

    The second consideration is how many days you’ll need your dumpster rental for. 

    Furthermore, the types of materials you’ll be putting in your Grand Rapids rental dumpster, for example heavy debris such as shingles or tiles may require an additional charge if you exceed your weight limit allowance. Even if you don't fill up your dumpster to the top, you could still exceed its weight capacity depending on the type of waste you’re disposing of.

    Call today to schedule delivery: 616-206-8826

  • How do I pay for your service?

    You can pay online on our website when you schedule your dumpster delivery.

  • Do you take appliances?

    Yes, we do! 

    When you rent a dumpster from us we take your appliances for free. We also offer single item pick up service for a small fee. 

    We recycle as much as we can and donate used appliances reusable items and building materials to local charities such as Grand Rapids Habitat for Humanity or Grand Rapids Goodwill. To help us out with the recycling process please put your appliance in last, at the back where the doors are so we can take them out easily.

    Call today to schedule your Donation Pickup. 616-206-8826

  • Do I need a permit for my dumpster?

    Generally speaking you do not need a dumpster permit, as long as you can accommodate the dumpster in your driveway or anywhere on your private property.

    Only when you find yourself in a position where you need to place the dumpster on public property, such as sidewalks or the side of the street, some municipalities demand permits issued. 

  • Can you move my dumpster?

    Yes, we can! We will move your dumpster rental in Grand Rapids at any point during your rental period for a $85 moving charge.

  • Do I need to be home when the dumpster is delivered or picked up?

    You typically don’t have to be at home for dumpster deliveries and pick-ups. 

    As long as you provide clear instructions as to where the dumpster is going, the crew should be able to figure things out.

  • For junk removal, do I have to do any of the lifting myself?

    No. Our Grand Rapids Junk Removal Service will provide your project with as many capable technicians necessary to complete your junk removal job with ease.

  • What kind of junk do you remove?

    Black Barn Dumpsters highly trained staff can handle the disposal of items that vary in size and weight. 

    Our Junk Rermoval in Grand Rapids will remove:

    Appliances (i.e. refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, washers, dryers, etc.)

    Hot water heaters

    HVAC units (i.e. heaters, air conditioners)


    Vehicle parts



    And much more!

  • Can I get a tax write-off for donating furniture or appliances?

    Possibly.  There are also some great tax benefits to donating furniture and other items around your home. 

    For example, if you have a nice bedroom set, you could get as much as a $1,000 write-off for it. 

    Washing machines, dining room sets, and other items can also lead to additional charitable deductions.


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Black Barn Dumpsters | Grand Rapids MI | Junk Removal | Donation Pickup | Light Demo